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Weight and Obesity Control

Weight and Obesity Contol Bulleen

Weight and Obesity Control

Dr Alex Craven is passionate about working with patients to live longer and healthier lives by controlling their weight, obesity and related diseases. He also has a special interest in medical and surgical education, in particular challenging stigma and misinformation around obesity and its treatments. Alex teaches that overweight and obesity are complex conditions, mainly caused by a person’s genes and the environment they live in. To control them, patients need more than advice and willpower – they need high-quality, evidence-based care, often involving multiple specialists. Through Darebin Weight Loss, Dr Alex Craven can provide personalised care – involving weight loss dieticians, psychologists and physicians. Treatments may include professionally supervised lifestyle interventions, obesity medications, and/or surgery.

Schedule a call with our treatment coordinator for a confidential discussion on whether surgery is the best option for you.